books by author

Science Matters: Changing Climate: Course S280

Où est Babouche ?

Star Wars Coding Projects: A Step-by-Step Visual Guide to Coding Your Own Animations, Games, Simulations and More!

Environmental Science: Extreme Weather, Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution, Wetlands and the Carbon Cycle, Cryosphere

Never Girls #3: A Dandelion Wish (Disney: The Never Girls): 03

Never Girls #4: From the Mist (Disney: The Never Girls)

The New Step-Mummy (Meet the Kreeps)

Meet the Kreeps: No. 1

The Mad Scientist: No. 4 (Meet the Kreeps)

Monsters,Inc.: Novelization (Disney S.)

The Dolls

Never Girls #1: In a Blink (Disney: The Never Girls): 01

Never Girls #5: Wedding Wings (Disney: The Never Girls)

My Side of the Story: Peter Pan/Captain Hook (Disney Princess: My Side of the Story)

Climate Change: S250 Science in Context, Topic 5

The Space Between (Never Girls)

The Trouble With Tink (Stepping Stone Book)