books by author

It's all about... Freezing Poles

It's all about... Super Solar System

It's all about… Rushing Rivers

It's all about… Fast Cars

It's all about... Mighty Trucks

It's all about... Tough Tractors (It's all about..., 15)

It's all about… Fantastic Fliers

It's all about... Speedy Trains

It's all about... Spectacular Ships

Madame Pamplemousse and the Time-Travelling Cafe

Madame Pamplemousse and the Enchanted Sweet Shop

I W W the Wind Blows (Book People)

I W W Pyramids (Book People)
The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

My Best Book of Volcanoes

Lift and Explore Amazing Animals

Madame Pamplemousse and the Enchanted Sweet Shop

I Wonder Why MBBO Volcanoes (Nathan)

Basher 123

Basher Basics: Weather

Fast Facts! Extreme Hunters (Fast Facts, 3)
Kingfisher History Encyclopedia 10 volumes