books by author

Sweet Magnolia

Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing (Cambridge Applied Linguistics)

Hats Off to Hair

The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)

Nature's Day

Vocation to Resistence: Contemplation and Change

Wood-Hoopoe Willie

Eric Kroll's Fetish Girls

Flesh of My Flesh

Crossing Boundaries in Prayer (Borderlands S)

Masai And I

Growing Older

I Was There

The Spiritual Exercise Book

I Was There (Puffin Books)

Spiritual Exercise Book

The Biggest Pumpkin Ever (Picture Hippo)

Sexual Counselling (Care and counselling series)

Lament for a Lost Enemy

Research Methods in Creative Writing

Masai and I (Picture Puffin)