books by author

American Monsters: Book 3 (The Demon Road Trilogy)

Psychology of Work Behaviour

Really Easy Bidding

Really Easy Play in No Trumps (Really Easy Bridge S.)

Really Easy Play with Trumps

Alfred Drury and the New Sculpture

Last Stand of Dead Men: 8 (Skulduggery Pleasant)

Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant - book 1)

The Maleficent Seven (From the World of Skulduggery Pleasant)

Desolation: Book 2 (The Demon Road Trilogy)

Title: Psychology of work behavior The Dorsey series in p

Desolation: Book 2 (The Demon Road Trilogy)

Demon Road: Book 1 (The Demon Road Trilogy)

Midnight: Book 11 (Skulduggery Pleasant)

American Monsters: Book 3 (The Demon Road Trilogy)

Collins Readers – Skulduggery Pleasant

Resurrection: Book 10 (Skulduggery Pleasant)

Bedlam: Skulduggery Pleasant (12): Book 12

Seasons of War: Book 13 (Skulduggery Pleasant)

Skulduggery Pleasant 1 & 2: two books in one

Mortal Coil (Skulduggery Pleasant - Book 5)

Kingdom of the Wicked: Book 7 (Skulduggery Pleasant)

Mortal Coil (Skulduggery Pleasant - Book 5)

Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant - book 1)

Playing With Fire (Skulduggery Pleasant - book 2)

Playing with Fire (Skulduggery Pleasant - book 2)

The Faceless Ones (Skulduggery Pleasant - book 3)

Dark Days (Skulduggery Pleasant - book 4)

Dark Days (Skulduggery Pleasant - book 4)