books by author
Laura Ellen

Big Bob, Little Bob


Harper and the Scarlet Umbrella

Harper and the Circus of Dreams

Izzy the Invisible

Witch Switch (Witch Wars)

Witch Wars


Amelia Fang and the Half-Moon Holiday (The Amelia Fang Series)

Amelia Fang and the Memory Thief (The Amelia Fang Series)

Fairy Magic: 1

Princess Sleepyhead and the Night-Night Bear

Amelia Fang and the Naughty Caticorns: The little vampire with the big heart! (The Amelia Fang Series)


The Shepherd's Crown: A Tiffany Aching Novel (Discworld Novels)

Prince George and the Royal Potty

Witch Watch (Witch Wars)

Rainbow Grey: Discover a magical new world for young readers in 2021 from the bestselling author of Amelia Fang! (Rainbow Grey Series)

Harper and the Sea of Secrets - World book Day 2016

The Wee Free Men: A Tiffany Aching Novel (Discworld Novels)

The Wee Free Men: A Tiffany Aching Novel (Discworld Novels)

I Shall Wear Midnight: A Tiffany Aching Novel (Discworld Novels)

I Shall Wear Midnight: A Tiffany Aching Novel (Discworld Novels)

Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball (The Amelia Fang Series)

Amelia Fang and the Unicorn Lords (The Amelia Fang Series)

Amelia Fang and the Bookworm Gang - World Book Day 2020

Ballet Dreams: 1


Snappy Birthday