books by author


Sun And Shadow

Trade Unions Under Capitalism

How to Be a Friend: A Guide to Making Friends and Keeping Them (Dino Life Guides for Families)

When the Snow Fell (Joel Gustafson Stories)

Shadows in the Twilight (Joel Gustafson Stories)

Evergreen Verse: No 57 (EVERYMAN POETRY)

In the Underworld (Counterpoint S.)

Understanding Organizations through Language

Contemporary Topics 1 (Contemporary Topics Series)

Troubleshooting Excel Spreadsheets

Photoshop CS2 Bible

Drugs: Medical,Psychological And Social Facts (Pelican S.)

The Shepherd's Song: A Story of Second Chances

Down in the Valley: A Writer's Landscape

Science Teacher Educators as K-12 Teachers: Practicing what we teach (ASTE Series in Science Education)

Practice-based Learning in Higher Education: Jostling Cultures: 10 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 10)

Nature and the American Mind: Louis Agassiz and the Culture of Science

Introducing Linguistic Morphology

The Human Body (Readers Digest Pathfinders)

Coming Plague, The

Collins Study and Revision Guides – KS3 English (Collins Study & Revision Guides)

Learning to Change: Resource for Trainers, Managers and Learners Based on Self-Organised Learning (McGraw-Hill Training Series)

Holding the Front Page: Book 5 (Consequences)

Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy

The Importance of Being Kennedy

Science in Nursing

The Illustrated Father Goose

Gerbils as a Hobby (Save Our Planet S.)