books by author

Personalities & Powers: Joseph Stalin - From Revolutionary to Despot

Invitation To Politics

Easy Ways to Seasonal Plays: Three complete plays with photocopy permission

History at Source: Russia, 1914-41

Years Of Change, European History, 1890-1945, 2nd edn

Easy Ways to Christmas Plays: Three Complete Plays with Photocopy Permission

Costume and Fashion: A Concise History (World of Art S.)

Hodder Twentieth Century History: Russia & The USSR, 1905-56

Representative Government in Modern Europe

Communication in face to face interaction: Selected readings (Penguin education)

Principles of Phonetics (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)

Costume and Fashion: A Concise History (World of Art S.)

A Concise History of Costume (World of Art S.)

Heinemann Advanced History: The Modernisation of Russia 1856-1985

Years of Change: European History, 1890-1990

Personalities & Powers: Hitler - Germany's Fate or Germany's Misfortune?

History at Source: Nazi Germany, 1933-45