books by author

Living French: The 60-Minute Survival Programme (Living language basic set)

Happiness Is . . . 500 Ways to Be in the Moment: (Books about Mindfulness, Happy Gifts)

Women Of South Africa: Their Fight for Freedom

Box Inspector and other Important Jobs for Cats

The Most Brilliant, Boldly Going Book of Exploration Ever... by the Brainwaves

Drink (Vimrod)

French Complete Course Dictionary (Living Language Complete Course S.)

The Deadly Dinner Lady: Book 4 (Rory Branagan (Detective))

New Teachers in Urban Schools: Journeys Toward Social Equity Teaching (Education, Equity, Economy)

European Higher Education at the Crossroads: Between the Bologna Process and National Reforms

The Dog Squad: Book 2 (Rory Branagan (Detective))

Roam: A Novel With Music

The Big Cash Robbery: Book 3 (Rory Branagan (Detective))

Vimrod – Chocolate

Beyond the Quantum Paradox: Probability Riddles...Quantum Riddles...Other Riddles

The Most Stupendous Atlas of the Whole Wide World by the Brainwaves

How Nearly Everything Was Invented by the Brainwaves

How Nearly Everything Was Invented by the Brainwaves

How Nearly Everything Was Invented by the Brainwaves

How Nearly Everything Was Invented by the Brainwaves

From Our Own Correspondent

A Window on Literature: Literary Texts for Early and Mid-Intermediate Learners of English

Web Usability: A User-Centered Design Approach

Reading New Testament Greek