books by author
L.Du Garde

Charles Dickens (An Adventure from History)

Charles II (Adventure from History)

Kings And Queens: Bk. 2 (History)

Kings And Queens of England: Bk. 1 (History)

Bonnie Prince Charlie

Hannibal (Ladybird history series)

Henry 8 (Great Rulers)

Michael Faraday (Ladybird books)

Elizabeth Fry ([A Ladybird adventure from history book)

The Pilgrim Fathers (Great Men)

Joan of Arc (Great Women)

The Story of the Theatre

King John and the Magna Carta

Madame Curie

The Story of Napoleon (A Ladybird 'Adventure from History' Book)

Kings and Queens of England: Bk. 1 (Ladybird history books 24!)

Robert the Bruce (Ladybird History Series 561): 18

Richard the Lionheart (Adventure from History)

Alexander the Great (Adventure from History)

Captain Scott (An Adventure from History - A Ladybird Book series 561)

Oliver Cromwell (Adventure from History)

The Story of Henry V (A Ladybird Series 561 An Adventure from History): 14

Marco Polo (An Adventure From History) (A Ladybird Book Series 561)

Christopher Columbus: An adventure from history (Ladybird books)

Stone Age Man in Britain ( an adventure from history)

David Livingstone (A Ladybird History Book Series 561)

Julius Caesar and Roman Britain

The Story of Captain Cook (An Adventure from History)(A Ladybird Book Series 561): v6

The Story of Nelson