books by author

Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Pattern (Java Series)

Learning the Joy of Prayer

Learning the Joy of Prayer

Hearing Ear: Learning to Open Up to God

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition: Paperback

Nurse In New Mexico

Das Calderon Imperium

Whiff of Boarhound

The Everyday Wholefood Cookbook: Healthy Meals for All the Family

Rethinking Food Systems: Structural Challenges, New Strategies and the Law

Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives
Could you not tarry one hour?

Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques

Distributed Learning: Social and Cultural Approaches to Practice

Come to the Garden

Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The Hearing Ear: Learning to Open Up to God

Say Something

Free: Coming of Age at the End of History

Letters to Me, When I Grow Up: Young Writer's Edition Write Now. Read Later. Treasure Forever. (Letters To My)

The Tragic Philosopher: Friedrich Nietzsche

Oxford Colour Spanish Dictionary

Down the Cobbled Stones: Memories of a Cheshire Farmer

Confessions from a Holiday Camp

Student Writing in Higher Education

Working in Post-Compulsory Education

Health Information for Overseas Travel

The Oxford Paperback Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English, English-Spanish (Oxford reference)

The Oxford Paperback Spanish Dictionary and Grammar