books by author

The Milk of Paradise: Diaries 1993 - 1997

The Englishman's Garden

Prophesying Peace

William Beckford

The Enigmatic Edwardian: Life of Reginald, 2nd Viscount Esher

Fourteen Friends

Harold Nicolson: A Biography Vol 2 - 1930-1968: v. 2

Diaries, 1942-1954

The Englishman's Room

A Mingled Measure: Diaries 1953-1972

Midway on the Waves: Diaries 1948-1949

Caves of Ice: Diaries 1946-1947

Prophesying Peace: Diaries 1944-1945

Ancestral Voices: Diaries 1942-1943

Another Self

Beneath a Waning Moon: Diaries, 1985-1987

Ceaseless Turmoil: Diaries 1988-1992

Holy Dread: Diaries 1982-1984

Deep Romantic Chasm: Diaries 1979-1981

People and Places

Through Wood and Dale: Diaries 1975-1978

Ancient as the Hills: Diaries, 1973-1974

Deep Romantic Chasm: Diaries, 1979-1981

A Mingled Measure: Diaries 1953-1972

The Englishman's Garden

Another Self

The Englishwoman's House

Venetian Evenings