books by author

The Education of Hyman Kaplan


Anna Karenina: Upper (Macmillan Readers)

The Boy who Cried Wolf: Band 01B/Pink B (Collins Big Cat)

The New Joys of Yiddish: Completely Updated

Vietnam War (Facts at Your Fingertips: Military History)

Resurrection (Wordsworth Classics)

Anna Karenina (film tie-in)

Buster's Big Surprise (Colour Young Hippo: Buster Gutt the Pirate)

Claws of Steel (S.S. Wotan Dogs of War Series)

Socialist Register: 2005: Empire Reloaded

Collected Shorter Fiction Volume 1


The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis (Phoenix Books)

3D Australia: An Awesome 3-Dimensional Experience

Lexical Functions in Lexicography and Natural Language Processing: 31 (Studies in Language Companion Series)

Living, Loving and Learning

The Mystery of the Smugglers' Wreck: Book 9 (Adventure Island)

Buster and the Golden Glove: No.3 (Colour Young Hippo: Buster Gutt the Pirate)

New Progress to Proficiency Teacher's book

The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Penguin Little Black Classics)

Job Satisfaction around the Academic World: 7 (The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, 7)

New Progress to Proficiency Student's book

A Color of His Own

Heyting Algebras: Duality Theory: 50 (Trends in Logic, 50)

Sami sous la pluie (Sami et Julie): Milieu de CP, niveau 2

Brrmm! Let's Go! In Polish and English (Our Lives, Our World!)

Brrmm! Let's Go! in Bengali and English (Our Lives, Our World!)

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