books by author

Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love

The Pendulum Years: Britain in the Sixties

If You Want My Opinion

Beirut Diary: A Husband Held Hostage and a Wife Determined to Set Him Free

Jean Baudrillard

A Kiss Before Dying

The Stepford Wives

Spiritual Intelligence

Veronica's Room

James Joyce: A Critical Introduction: 87 (New Directions Paperbook)

Best Jewish Jokes (Mini-ha-ha Books)

Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function

The Boys from Brazil

Lonely Planet Best of New Zealand (Travel Guide)

Equal Opportunities: A Feminist Fallacy: 11 (Choice in Welfare S.)

Conducted Tour (Coronet Books)

Write Great Essays (Student-Friendly Guides)

Perfect Presentations! (Student-Friendly Guides series)

Excellent Dissertations! (Student-Friendly Guides series)

Successful teamwork! For Undergraduates and Taught Postgraduates Working on Group Projects (Student-Friendly Guides series) (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Study Skills)

Write Great Essays! Reading and Essay Writing for Undergraduates and Taught Postgraduates (Student-Friendly Guides series)

The Pendulum Years: Britain and the Sixties

Management and Organisational Behaviour

Sites of Vision: The Discursive Construction of Sight in the History of Philosophy (The MIT Press)

Liberating Women...from Modern Feminism: No. 19 (Choice in Welfare S.)

The Way We Live Now (Sceptre S.)

Political Thought in the Age of Revolution 1776-1848: Burke to Marx (European Culture and Society)

A Walk Up Fifth Avenue: A Channel Four Book

Hannibal's Footsteps