books by author
Linda Fraser
cooking for the freezer

Herbs: Fresh Aromatic Recipes from a Country Kitchen

Great Pasta Sauces

Desserts (The Good Housekeeping Cookery Club)

Best-Ever Chicken: The Definitive Cook's Collection

The New Chicken Cookbook: Over 75 Recipes for Perfect Poultry and Game Dishes

The Italian Cooking Encyclopedia: The Definitive Professional Guide to Italian Ingedients and Cooking Techniques

Quick and Easy Pasta

The Italian Kitchen: An A-Z of Ingredients and Classic Recipes

Best-Ever Cook's Collection: Pasta

Herbs and Spices Encyclopaedia: The Ultimate Guide to Herbs and Spices, with Over 200 Recipes

50 Classic Cakes (Step-by-Step)

Best-Ever Party Food Cookbook: Over 75 recipes for fabulous finger food, nibbles, dips, party snacks and buffet dishes, shown step by step in 300 stunning photographs

Best-Ever Party Food Cookbook: Over 75 recipes for fabulous finger food, nibbles, dips, party snacks and buffet dishes, shown step by step in 300 stunning photographs

Vegetarian .. the best-ever recipe collection

The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook (The definitive cook's collection: Over 200 mouthwatering recipes)