books by author
Dr. Susan Love's Menopause and Hormone Book: Making Informed Choices All the Facts about the New Hormone Replacement Therapy Studies
Creating New Families: Therapeutic Approaches to Fostering, Adoption and Kinship Care (Tavistock Clinic Series)
Over in the Clover
Between Worlds: Understanding Ritual Cave Use in Later Prehistory
Supper Won't take Long: Favourite Recipes from the Evening Standard
Change Your Life with NLP: The Powerful Way to Make Your Whole Life Better
The Mark of Cain
A Wolf In The Kitchen: Easy Food For Hungry People (Penguin cookery library)
Leisure and Tourism GNVQ – Leisure and Tourism for Intermediate GNVQ (Collins GNVQ: Intermediate)
Vocational GCSE – Leisure and Tourism for GCSE Teacher Support Pack
A Cruel Fate
Christian Doctrine (SCM Reader)
Scandal Takes A Holiday
Saturnalia: (Falco 18)
The Facemaker: A Visionary Surgeon's Battle to Mend the Disfigured Soldiers of World War I
Alexandria: (Falco 19)
Ode to a Banker (The Falco series)
All Together Now!
The Animal Bop Won't Stop with audio CD
Christmas Magic (Push, Pull, Pop, Sparkle!)
Here Come Poppy and Max (Little Orchard S.)
We Want a Pet!
The Promise
Poppy and Max and the Sore Paw
The Iron Hand of Mars
Self-Esteem Tools for Recovery: Self-Esteem Is Both the Means to Recovery and the Goal
In Praise of the Potato: Recipes from Around the World
Mission-Shaped Youth: Rethinking Young People and Church