books by author

A History of Religion East and West: An Introduction and Interpretation (Studies in Economic History)

A Family in Taiwan (Families the World over)

Ocean (Eyewonder)

Lion & the Mouse and other Aesop's Fables

Thomas and the Hurricane

The British State Since 1945: An Introduction

Storm Water

Backyard Science

Moving On in Ministry: Discernment for times of transition and change (Explorations (Church House))


Your Glory Reflected: Twenty Outstanding Christians of the Twentieth Century

Elasticity of Transversely Isotropic Materials: 126 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 126)

Soil Stress-Strain Behavior: Measurement, Modeling and Analysis: A Collection of Papers of the Geotechnical Symposium in Rome, March 16-17, 2006: 146 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 146)

Contemporary Logistics in China: Transformation and Revitalization (Current Chinese Economic Report Series)

Amazing Wolves, Dogs and Foxes (Amazing worlds)

Sunshine Books + – A Lion Song: Level 22/Gold/Band 9

Young Classics - Little Princess

Storytime Book: Mama's Little Baby

DK Great Wonders of the World

Buddhism (Living Religions)

Foal (See How They Grow)

More Time to Mardle

DK Toddler Story Book: Ten in a Bed

The Food of Asia (Evergreen Series)

Step-Up to Obstetrics and Gynecology (Step-Up Series)

Miss Sophie's Diary and Other Stories (Panda Books)

The Dandelion Wish

Sunshine Books + – Incredible Insects: Level 19/Purple/Band 8

Cooking the Chinese Way (Cooking Around the World) (Cooking Around the World S.)