books by author

The Life Cycle of Mammals (Life Cycles)

Cymysgu Teulu

The Freedom Machine (Puffin Books)

The Reunion: No.4 (Maggie S.)

Richard Branson (Titans of Business)

Mark Zuckerberg (Titans of Business)

Strangers in the House (Red Fox Older Fiction)

Tom and the Tree House (Story Book)

The File On Fraulein Berg (New Windmills)

The Sign of the Black Dagger

Reasonable Doubts

National Testing in Schools: An Australian assessment (Local/Global Issues in Education)

Hands Off Our School!

A Proper Place: A Kevin And Sadie Story (Puffin Teenage Fiction S.)

Into Exile (Puffin Teenage Fiction S.)

Ar Agor Fel Arfer

Odd Girl Out (Signature)

The Guilty Party

A Proper Place: A Kevin And Sadie Story (Plus)

The File on Fraulein Berg (Red Fox Older Fiction)

Slow Flo / Boomerang Bill (Flippers S.)

The Twelfth Day of July (Puffin Books)

Hostages to Fortune (Puffin Books)

Into Exile (Puffin Books)

The Egg Thieves (Story Book)

Jay-Z (Titans of Business)

Tilly And The Badgers

The Pilgrimage

Between Two Worlds (Plus)