books by author


Man in the Cage (Talespinners)

Spaces of Aid: How Cars, Compounds and Hotels Shape Humanitarianism

Fierce Legion of Friends: A History of Human Rights Campaigns and Campaigners

WORD for Windows (Step-by-step Guides)

Sonny's Wonderful Wellies (Sonny) (Sonny)

Educational Psychology: The Impact of Psychological Research on Education

Year 6 Autumn Term Text Book (Maths Programme)

Historic Norwich (Cotman House)

Alone (Detective D.D. Warren 1)

Live to Tell

The Big Turnip: The traditional story of The Enormous Turnip is retold through humorous illustrations. (Collins Big Cat)

1,003 Great Things about Moms

MINIATURE BOOK OF CHRISTMAS (Miniature Christmas Books)

Twenty to Make: Sugar Flowers

Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

Nani's Holiday

Teen Pregnancy and Lone Parents: v. 133

Edexcel Chinese for AS Student's Book

Science and Technology (Usborne Illustrated Encyclopaedias S.)

Disney "Cars" Book of Film (Disney Novelisation)

A Friend of the Family

After the Party: From the number one bestselling author of The Family Upstairs

Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics

Fear Nothing (Detective D.D. Warren 7): A heart-stopping thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author

The Killing Hour (FBI Profiler 4)

The Doctor: A gripping crime thriller from the international bestseller

Logo Designs That Work: Secrets for Sucessful Logo Design (That Works Series)

Barney's Big Book of Stories