books by author

Mapping Global Issues: Endangered Species

Teaching Oral Comminication: A Methodological Framework (Applied Language Studies)

Foreign and Second Language Learning: Language Acquisition Research and its Implications for the Classroom (Cambridge Language Teaching Library)

Discover America : Where to go, Where to Stay, What to See in the USA

Home for Christmas

Joan's Book: Joan Littlewood's Peculiar History as She Tells It (Biography and Autobiography)


The Crow Garden

The Colour Thief: A family's story of depression

Swallow Journey (Fantastic Journeys S.)

Living Spanish

Amazing Grace Adams: 2023’s fiercest debut – meet Grace Adams on the day she decides to push back

Landscape Detailing Volume 3: Structures

Great Grandfather's House (Red Fox younger fiction)

Sun Slices, Moon Slices (Read with S.)

Lucy and the Big Bad Wolf (The Dragon Books)

AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition: Student Book

Pride and Prejudice (Wordsworth Classics)

Christophe's Story

The Rough Guide History of France

Christmas Stories (Large Print)


The Crow Garden

The Unquiet House: A chilling tale of gripping suspense

AQA A-level French (includes AS)

Tara's Tree House (Yellow Go Bananas)

The Literature Student's Survival Kit: What Every Reader Needs to Know

Edexcel AS and A level Mathematics Statistics & Mechanics Year 1/AS Textbook + e-book

Edexcel AS and A level Mathematics Statistics & Mechanics Year 1/AS Textbook + e-book (A level Maths and Further Maths 2017)