books by author

The Ghost of Thomas Kempe

The House in Norham Gardens (Puffin Story Books)

The house in Norham Gardens (Piccolo)

In Search of a Homeland: The Story of the "Aeneid"

A House Unlocked

Cat, the Crow and the Banyan Tree

Goldilocks and the Three Bears: 3 (Classic Fairy Tales)

The Disatrous Dog: 25 (Red Storybooks)

Storybook Collection 3: No. 3 (Red Storybooks)

Princess By Mistake: 81 (Red Storybooks)

Judy and The Martian (Red Storybooks)

Dragon Trouble (Yellow Banana Books)

Ghostly Guests (Yellow Banana S.)


The Driftway

The Mythical Quest: In Search of Adventure, Romance and Enlightenment

The House in Norham Gardens

A Stitch in Time

Uninvited Ghosts and Other Stories (Banana Books)

The Whispering Knights

The Wild Hunt of Hagworthy

The Revenge of Samuel Stokes

The Voyage of QV66

Good Night, Sleep Tight

Making It Up

The Photograph


Beyond the Blue Mountains

Heat Wave