books by author


Dr Johnson's London: Everyday Life in London in the Mid 18th Century (Life of London)

Restoration London: Everyday Life in the 1660s (Life of London)

Michelle Obama: A Biography

Banksy Myths & Legends: Volume 1

Becoming Adult: Changing Youth Transitions in the 21st Century

The Use and Abuse of Political Asylum in Britain and Germany (British Politics and Society)

Restoration London: Everyday Life in the 1660s

Alternative Cookery

Soul Food for Youth Workers: 80 Reflections To Deepen Your Spiritual Life: A Devotional Specifically For Youth Workers: 80 reflections to deepen your walk with God

Dr Johnson's London

Grover's Amazing Dream (Sesame Street Get Ready Storybooks)

Restoration London: Everyday Life in the 1660s

This is Gonna End in Tears: The novel that makes a summer

This is Gonna End in Tears: The novel that makes a summer

Patchwork: Over 25 Glorious Quilt Designs


Passionate Patchwork: Over 20 Original Quilt Designs

Victorian London: The Life of a City 1840-1870 (Life of London)

1970s Childhood: 859 (Shire Library)

I An Distracted by Everything

The Tale Of Murasaki



Rift (Penguin Crime Fiction)

Dr. Johnson's London: Life in London, 1740-1770

Conversations With The Fat Girl

Title Deeds

I Love You Because You're You