books by author

Sense of Sacrament, The - Movement and Measure in Art and Music, Place and Time

The Liberal Governments of 1905-15 (Headstart History Papers)

The Oxford Martyrs

Reign of Mary Tudor: Politics, Government and Religion in England, 1553-58

Journey: 1 (Renewing the Eucharist)

The Navy of Edward VI and Mary I (Navy Records Society)

Grace and Glory in One Another's Faces: Preaching and Worship

The Cecils: Privilege and Power Behind the Throne

Politics and the nation, 1450-1660: Obedience, resistance and public order (Fontana history of England)

Reading the Sacred Text: An Introduction in Biblical Studies

Essays in European History, 1453-1648 (The headstart lecture series)

Christology: Key Readings in Christian Thought

Politics and the Nation, 1450-1660: Obedience, Resistance and Public Order (Fontana library of English history)

Cranmer and the English Reformation (Headstart History Papers)

Chronicles of the Tudor Kings : The Tudor Dynasty from 1485-1553 - Henry VII, Henry VIII and Edward IV in the Words of Their Contemporaries

Chronicles of the Tudor Kings

The Kings & Queens of England: The Biography

An Elizabethan Progress: The Queen's Journey into East Anglia, 1578 (Sutton illustrated history paperbacks)

An Elizabethan Progress: The Queen's Journey into East Anglia, 1578 (History)

Spiritual Classics of the Late Twentieth Century

Oxford Martyrs (Historic Trials)

Searching for Lost Coins: Explorations in Christianity and Feminism