books by author

Half-way to Heaven: Hidden Life of the Carthusians

Fixing Failed States: A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World

Half-way to Heaven: Hidden Life of the Carthusians

Jesus the Heretic: Freedom and Bondage in a Religious World

Landscapes of Malta, Gozo and Comino (Sunflower Countryside Guides)

Listening to Silence: Anthology of Carthusian Writings

English Castles (Pitkin Guides)

English Castles (Pitkin Guides)

Bon Record: A History of Aberdeen Grammar School

The Boyfriend List (Ruby Oliver)

Fly on the Wall: How One Girl Saw Everything

Mad Diet: Easy steps to lose weight and cure depression

Introduction to Crop Husbandry

Rye Parish Church

Introduction to Crop Husbandry: Including Grassland

Genuine Fraud: from the bestselling author of Tiktok sensation We Were Liars

Ruby Oliver 1: The Boyfriend List

The Six Wives of Henry VIII (Sovereign)

Raptor: A Journey Through Birds
Introduction to Crop Husbandry

A New History of Southeast Asia

Memoirs of a British Agent (Papermac S.)

Sweden in the Seventeenth Century (European History in Perspective)

Living Anatomy - A Photographic Atlas of Muscles in Action

Dental Care of the Medically Complex Patient

Six Wives of Henry VIII (Pride of Britain)

We Were Liars: The award-winning YA book TikTok can’t stop talking about!

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks: From the author of the unforgettable bestseller WE WERE LIARS

How to Be Bad: Take a summer road trip you won't forget