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The Family

By Liz Steel (Halifax New College, UK), Warren Kidd (University of East London, London), Anne Brown (University of Leicester, Leicester)

Tourism and Visual Culture, Volume 1: Theories and Concepts

By Stefania Antonioni (University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Italy), Peter Burns (Director, Institute for Tourism Research (INTOUR), UK), Kathleen Baker (King's College, London), Catherine Palmer (University of Brighton, Roberta Bartoletti (Universita deg...

Mathematics for Physicists

By Brian R. Martin (University College, London), Graham Shaw (University of Manchester)

Professional Chef - Level 2 - S/NVQ

By Gary Hunter (Westminster Kingsway College), Terry Tinton (Westminster Kingsway College), Patrick Carey (Westminster Kingsway College), Stephen Walpole (Westminster Kingway College, London)

Neuropsychology and the Dementias

By Siobhan Hart (Charing Cross Hospital, London), Richard Semple (Medical Research Centre, Harlow)

Social Psychology of Social Problems: The Intergroup Context

By Agnieszka Golec de Zavala (University of London, London), Aleksandra Cichocka (University of Warsaw, Warsaw)

Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

By Aruna Thaker (Wandsworth NHS Teaching PCT, London), Arlene Barton (Lecturer in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Science, University of Nottingham)

Osteopathy and Obstetrics

By Dr Stephen Sandler, Do, PhD (Portland Hospital, London)


By Guy Orchard (Laboratory Manager/Consultant Grade Biomedical Scientist, ViaPath (formerly GSTS Pathology), London), Brian Nation (Editor, British Journal of Biomedical Science)

Partnership and Participation: Decision-making in the Multiagency Setting

By Ann Taket (South Bank University, London), Leroy White (South Bank University

Why Feminism?: Gender, Psychology, Politics

By Lynne Segal (Birkbeck College, London)

The Heir of Redclyffe

By Charlotte M. Yonge, Catherine Wells-Cole (Roehampton Institute, London)

Textbook of Influenza

By Karl G. Nicholson, etc., Robert Webster (St Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA), Alan Hay (Medical Research Council, World Influenza Centre, National institute for medical research, London)

Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine

By Roderick A. Cawson MD FDSRCS FDSRCPS(Glas) FRCPath FAAOMP, Edward W Odell FDSRCS MSc PhD FRCPath Professor, Roderick A. Cawson, E.W. Odell, E.W. Odell (Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant, United Medical and Dental Schools, Guys Hospital, London)

The Sociology of Health Inequalities

By Mel Bartley (University College, London), David Blane (Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School), George Davey Smith (University of Bristol)

Oxford First Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Dictionary

By Jenny Roberts, Richard Hudson (, London)

Physics in Anaesthesia

By Ben Middleton (Lead Perfusionist based at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London), Justin Phillips (Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering at City University), Rik Thomas (Specialist Trainee at Barts and the London School of Anaesthesia), Dr. Simon G. St...

Psychiatry: A Clinical Handbook

By Mohsin Azam (Royal Free Hospital, London), Mohammed Qureshi (Foundation Year 2 doctor, Nottingham City Hospital), Daniel Kinnair (Consultant in General Adult Psychiatry, Leicester)

Economic Evaluation in Health Care: Merging theory with practice

By Michael Drummond (, Director and Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics, University of York), Alistair McGuire (, Professor of Health Economics, City University, London)

Economics: A Primer

By Alec Chrystal (Senior Lecturer in Finance, Senior Lecturer in Finance, Cass Business School, City University, London), Simon Hayley (Professor Emeritus of Economics, Professor Emeritus of Economics

A Colour Atlas of Comparative Veterinary Haematology

By C. Hawkey, T.B. Dennett (Photographic Unit, Institute of Zoology, London)

Organizational Participation: Myth and Reality

By Frank Heller (, The Tavistock Institute, London), Eugen Pusic (, Zagreb University, Croatia), George Strauss (, University of California, Berkeley), Bernhard Wilpert (, Technische Universitat, Berlin)


By Ian Mercer, G. Cressey (Researcher in Mineral Sciences, The Natural History Museum, London)

The Reformation in National Context

By Robert Scribner (University of Cambridge), Roy Porter (Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London), Mikulas Teich (University of Cambridge)

Self-assessment for the MRCP Part 2 Written Paper: Volume 3 Data Interpretation

By Narinder Bajaj (Institute of Neurology, London), Balwinder Bajaj (Oldham HospitalManchester), Karim Meeran (Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals), Huw Beynon (The Royal Free and University College Medical School)

Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction

By Damien Keown (Emeritus Professor of Buddhist Ethics, Goldsmith's College, London)

Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method

By Donald Gillies (Professor of the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, Professor of the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, King's college, London)

Manual of Childhood Infections

By E.Graham Davies, David A.C. Elliman (Consultant in Community Child Health, St George's Hospital, London), C. Anthony Hart (Professor and Honorary Consultant in Medical Microbiology, University of Liverpool), Angus Nicoll, Peter T. Rudd (Consultant Paed...

An Inventor in the Garden of Eden

By Eric Laithwaite (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London)

Diseases of the Gut and Pancreas

By J. J. Misiewicz, etc., R.E. MA MD FRCP Pounder (Reader in Medicine and Clinical Sub-Dean, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London), C.W. Venables (Consultant in Surgical Gastroenterology, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne)