books by author
The Family
Tourism and Visual Culture, Volume 1: Theories and Concepts
Mathematics for Physicists
Professional Chef - Level 2 - S/NVQ
Neuropsychology and the Dementias
Social Psychology of Social Problems: The Intergroup Context
Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
Osteopathy and Obstetrics
Partnership and Participation: Decision-making in the Multiagency Setting
Why Feminism?: Gender, Psychology, Politics
The Heir of Redclyffe
Textbook of Influenza
Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
The Sociology of Health Inequalities
Oxford First Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Dictionary
Physics in Anaesthesia
Psychiatry: A Clinical Handbook
Economic Evaluation in Health Care: Merging theory with practice
Economics: A Primer
A Colour Atlas of Comparative Veterinary Haematology
Organizational Participation: Myth and Reality
The Reformation in National Context
Self-assessment for the MRCP Part 2 Written Paper: Volume 3 Data Interpretation
Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction
Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method
Manual of Childhood Infections