books by author

Dance to the Music of the Spirit: Art of Discernment

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops inFact: Level 19: How To Change the World

Christian Life Lived Experimentally: An Anthology
revision plus, GCSE Mathematics foundation

Baxter Bear Goes to the Farm

Seasonal Activities - Autumn and Winter (Bright Ideas for Early Years)

Gray, Collins and Goldsmith: The Complete Poems (Longman Annotated English Poets)

My First Plane Ride

What's the Weather Like, Teddy?

Whatever the Weather: When the Snow Comes

Everything We Keep: A Novel: 1 (Everything, 1)

Can I Help, Teddy?

Pigs May Fly (Three Companions S.)

Eighteenth Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology

Poetical Works (Oxford Paperbacks)

Eyes to See, Ears to Hear: Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality

Caribbean Women Writers: Fiction in English

The New Oxford Book of Eighteenth Century Verse

Vathek (World's Classics S.)

Un jardin tout en fleurs: Reconnais les couleurs et découvre le parfum des fleurs

Lonsdale GCSE Essentials – OCR Gateway Additional Science: Workbook (2012 Exams Only)

Pedro's Holiday (Young Harvester S.)

My First Word Book (Early learning)

Straights: Raw Materials for Animal Feed Compounders and Farmers

Can Spirituality be Taught?: Explanatory Essays

Understanding Modern Warfare

Dans l'Ensemble: An Integrated Course to G.C.S.E.