books by author

Súper chistes / Super Jokes: Los chistes más tronchantes sobre el lugar más aburrido del mundo: El Cole! / The Most Hilarious Jokes About the Most Boring Place in the World: the School!

Sociology and the Nurse

About This Life: Journeys on the Threshold of Memory

Crossing Open Ground (Picador Books)

About This Life: Journeys on the Threshold of Memory (Panther S.)


Arctic Dreams: Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape (Picador Books)

Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology

Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl's Courage Changed Music

Peter Pan (My Favourite Classic Tales)

Arctic Dreams

The State of Health Atlas

Pinocchio (My Favourite Classic Tales)

Diploma Superior: Preparacion Para El Diploma Superior De Espanol Lengua Extranjera

Para Empezar A: Student Book: Tome A.

Leapfrog World Tales: Baba Yaga


Leapfrog Rhyme Time: In the Deep Dark Forest

The "What's Happening to My Body?" Book for Boys: A Growing up Guide for Parents and Sons

Through the Kaleidoscope: The Experience of Modernity in Latin America (Critical Studies in Latin American Culture)

Esto Funciona A: Student Book

REVISE AQA: GCSE Spanish Revision Workbook (REVISE AQA GCSE MFL 09)

The Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary

Richard II (Shakespeare Handbooks)

The State of Health Atlas (A Pluto project)

Icarus, the Boy Who Flew (Hopscotch: Myths)

Leapfrog World Tales: Baba Yaga

The Negotiator: My life at the heart of the hostage trade

The New Normal: The Transgender Agenda