books by author

A Shooting Star

The Female Gaze

Mystery Tour: Bk. 5 (Read With Ladybird)

The Ghost (That Boy Trog Again S.)

Stop That! an Anti-Bullying Rap

Grandpa's Horse Race (Trog)

Grandpa's Band (That Boy Trog Again S.)

Grandpa Plays Hide and Seek (Trog)

Creating New Families: Therapeutic Approaches to Fostering, Adoption and Kinship Care (Tavistock Clinic Series)

Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming Self-Destructive Habits: A Self-Help Manual

Seaside Surprise

Teaching Speaking and Listening in the Primary School

The Really Useful Hamster Guide

Talkabout: People I Like (Toddler Talkabout S.)

Grandpa and the Robbers (That Boy Trog Again S.)

DK Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guide: Toronto: Eyewitness Travel Guide 2011

RHS Latin for Gardeners: Over 3,000 Plant Names Explained and Explored: More than 1,500 Essential Plant Names and the Secrets They Contain

Grandpa Plays Hide and Seek (That boy Trog)

Trog and the Dog

First Steps in Mathematics Measurement: Bk. 2: Indirect Measure Estimate (First Steps in Mathematics Measurement: Indirect Measure Estimate)

First Steps in Mathematics Measurement: Bk. 1: Understand Units, Direct Measure (First Steps in Mathematics Measurement: Understand Units, Direct Measure)

Exploring and Locating Social Work: A Foundation for Practice

Ordinary Graces: Christian Teachings on the Interior Life

Professional Beauty Therapy: The Official Guide to Level 3

Kingdom of the Ark: That Startling Story of How the Ancient British Race is Descended from the Pharaohs

Visits a Museum (My class)

Trog and the Tree House

Trog and the Fire

Trog and His Boat