books by author

Demeter and Persephone: 1 (Greek Myths)

Renewing The City: Reflections On Community Development And Urban Renewal

The Story Tree: Tales to Read Aloud

After Oedipus: Shakespeare in Psychoanalysis

Working together or pulling apart?: The National Health Service and child protection networks

Riddle ME This!: Riddles and Stories to Sharpen Your Wits

Wages And Salaries

Three Hours: The Top Ten Sunday Times Bestseller

DIY: Design it Yourself (Design Handbooks)

Tales of Wisdom and Wonder (Barefoot Collections)

Freaky Tales from Far and Wide (Barefoot Collections)

Ruby Red: Tales from the Weedwater

Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help (And How to Reverse It)

Tales of Wisdom and Wonder

Mungo Park the African Traveler

The Adventures of Odysseus

Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming (Design Briefs)

Critical Thinking for Nursing, Health and Social Care (Macmillan Study Skills)

Industrial Behaviour and Personnel Management

Risk (Key Ideas)