books by author

Elephantoms: Tracking the Elephant

Flight From Honour

God Reigns in China (Hodder Christian paperbacks)


Dark Nature: A Natural History of Evil

Integrity of Pastoral Care (New Library of Pastoral Care)

Red Sky at Night

Passion for the Impossible: The Continuing Story of the Mission Hudson Taylor Began

World to Win

Gifts of Unknown Things

The Wrong Side of the Sky

Romeo Error: Matter of Life and Death

Venus With Pistol

The Most Dangerous Game

The Conduct of Major Maxim

Career Changes for Nurses: Work Opportunities Outside Hospital

Jacobson's Organ: And the Remarkable Nature of Smell

Guide to Twentyfive Languages of Europe

Spy's Honour

The Phoenix Rises: The Phenomenal Growth of Eight Chinese Churches

Pastoral Counselling Relationship: A Touching Place? (Contact Pastoral Monograph)

The Nature of Things

South of France (Companion Guides)

Just Like my Dreams: My Life at West Ham: My Life with West Ham

The Portable Henry James (Viking portable library)

Manual of Childhood Infections The Blue Book 3/e (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Paediatrics)

Helping the Helpers: Supervision and Pastoral Care (New Library of Pastoral Care)

The Secret Servant

The Crocus List