books by author
Lydia Monks
The Bear and the Bees

Sharing a Shell Book and CD Pack

Princess Mirror-Belle and the Flying Horse

What On Earth Can IT be?

Indie Kidd: I Spy A (Not So) White Lie

The Singing Mermaid

Indie Kidd: Wow, I'm a Gazillionaire! (I Wish)

What the Ladybird Heard

What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday

Indie Kidd: My Big (Strange) Happy Family!

When the World Began

Funny Bunch:Stan Has a Party (HB)

The Princess and the Wizard

What the Ladybird Heard Book and CD Pack

What the Ladybird Heard Next
Bears and the Bees

The Singing Mermaid
Princess Mirror-belle and the dragon pox
The singing mermaid
Aaaarrgghh, Spider!

The SInging Mermaid

Sharing A Shell

My Super Sister
Princess mirror~belle and the dragon pox

Indie Kidd: How to Be Good(ish)

The Rhyming Rabbit