books by author


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Liverpool Lou

By Andrews, Lyn

Collins AS and A2 Science – AS Chemistry for AQA: Revised and updated support for the new 2008 AQA Chemistry GCE specification.

By Nicholls, Lyn, Perkins, Janice

Eddie Elephant and the Forest Fire (Letterland Storybooks)

By Wendon, Lyn, Launchbury, Jane

Eddy Elephant and the Forest Fire (Letterland Storybooks)

By Wendon, Lyn, Launchbury, Jane

ABC (Letterland) (Letterland Picture Books S.)

By Wendon, Lyn


By Macdonald, Lyn

Mist Over The Mersey

By Andrews, Lyn

The Viscount (Historical Romance)

By Stone, Lyn

The Book Of Antipasti

By LYN RUTHERFORD, Rutherford, Lyn

A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect

By Giardino, Angelo P., Lyn, Michelle A., Eileen R.

Theories of Mathematics Education: Seeking New Frontiers (Advances in Mathematics Education)

By Sriraman, Bharath, English, Lyn

Letterland Storybooks - Eddy Elephant (Classic Letterland Storybooks)

By Wendon, Lyn

Into the Woods

By Gardner, Lyn, Grey, Mini

Letterland Storybooks - Impy Ink's Invisible Ink

By Wendon, Lyn, Launchbury, Jane

Letterland Storybooks - The Hairy Hat Man's House

By Wendon, Lyn, Launchbury, Jane

The Shadow of Old London Town

By Jennings, Lloyd, Lyn

Hats in a Hurry

By Gray, Lyn

Mersey Blues

By Andrews, Lyn

Fans, Feminisms and 'Quality' Media (Media, Education and Culture)

By Thomas, Lyn

Teaching Speaking and Listening in the Primary School

By Grugeon, Elizabeth, Hubbard, Lorraine, Smith, Carol, Dawes, Lyn

A Wing and a Prayer: A young woman’s journey to love and happiness

By Andrews, Lyn

Letts 11+ Success Targeted Practice - Verbal Reasoning

By Head, Alison, Moon, Sally, Ward, Lyn

Into the Woods

By Gardner, Lyn, Grey, Mini

Working in Health and Social Care: An Introduction for Allied Health Professionals, 1e

By Teena J Clouston, Westcott MSc BSc DipCOT, Lyn

Handling Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide

By L. Richards, Richards, Lyn

A Wonder of Words

By Sobolesky, Lyn

Daughters Journey

By Andrews, Lyn

Adult Literacy, Numeracy And Language: Policy, Practice And Research: Policy, Practice & Research: Policy, Practice & Research (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

By Tett, Lyn

1915: The Death of Innocence

By Macdonald, Lyn

Elly: a gripping tale of grief, longing, and doubt

By Wetzel, Maike, Marven, Lyn