books by author
Lynn Huggins-Cooper
Freaky Fish

KS2 Success Workbook: English (Primary Success Workbooks)

KS2 Success Revision Guide Science (Primary Success Revision Guides)

Beastly Birds and Bats

The British Isles

KS2 Science Success Guide (Success Guides)


KS2 Success Revision Guide Maths (Primary Success Revision Guides)

Science: Revision Workbook (Letts Key Stage 2 Success)

Beastly Birds

The Caribbean

Maths 9-10: Ages 9-10

English: Year 4

Revolting Reptiles and Awful Amphibians


Aliens Quick Test: English 8-9

Alien Club 10 Minute Tests English 5-6: age 5-6

Killer Nature: Savage Sharks

Killer Nature: Big Cats

First Numbers Age 3-4 (Letts Fun Farmyard Learning)

English: Revision Workbook (Letts Key Stage 1 Success) (Primary Success Workbooks)

Travel Through: China (QED Travel Through S.)

Slimy Sliders (Awesome Animals)

Slimey Sliders (Awesome Animals)
KSI Science SATs