books by author
M. G.

Twitch (The Twitchers)

Dark Parallel: 4 (The Joshua Files)

Apocalypse Moon: 5 (The Joshua Files)

Alternating Current Machines

Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics

Planning and Engineering Geology: No 4 (Engineering Geological Special Publications S.)

Introduction to Law

Teachers Handbook 2 (Athenaze: Introduction to Ancient Greek)

Danger at Dead Man's Pass (Adventures on Train)

Murder on the Safari Star (Adventures on Train)

Kidnap on the California Comet (Adventures on Train)

Searching for Grace Kelly

Oxford Latin Course: Pt. 3

Principles of Statistics (Dover Books on Mathematics)

The Sale of Goods

ABC British Railways Atlas

Oxford Latin Course: Pt.1

L'amico ritrovato

The Highland Falcon Thief (Adventures on Trains)

Black Horizon: Book 1 (Gemini Force I)

Zero Moment (The Joshua Files #3)

Invisible City: 1 (The Joshua Files)

Ice Shock (The Joshua Files)

Dark Parallel (The Joshua Files)

Oxford Latin Course: Pt. 2