books by author
M. L.

Greek Lyric Poetry: The Poems and Fragments of the Greek Iambic, Elegiac, and Melic Poets (excluding Pindar and Bacchylides) down to 450 BC (Oxford World's Classics)

Chemistry Data Book, Second Edition in SI

Prehistoric Houses in Britain: 70 (Shire Archaeology)

TheLight Between Oceans by Stedman, M. L. ( Author ) ON Apr-26-2012, Hardback

Serfdom and Slavery: Studies in Legal Bondage

The Fabulous Phartlehorn Affair

Poetry in English: An Anthology

Rhetoric at Rome: A Historical Survey

Coastal Dunes: Ecology and Conservation: 171 (Ecological Studies, 171)

The Revenge of Tirpitz

Entre Amigos 1 Student Book (without CD): Libro Del Alumno 1: Curso de español para extranjeros, nivel elemental

Plays About the Theatre in England, 1737-1800: Or, the Self-conscious Stage from Foote to Sheridan