books by author


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The Complete Works of ShakeSpeare

By W.J. Craig, M.A.

Chambers Pocket Twentieth-century Dictionary

By Davidson, George W., Seaton, M.A.

Avarice House

By Green, Julien, Best, M.A.

Selected Papers (Philosophy Classics)

By Boyle, Robert, Stewart, M.A.

A short history of Astronomy

By By arthur Berry, M.A.

The Making of America

By Beacroft, B.W., Smale, M.A.

Aspects of Christian Character

By J. Howard B. Masterman, M.A.

Midnight in Everwood

By Kuzniar, M.A.

It's Not about Food

By Carol Emery Normandi, Mft Normandi, Laurelee Roark, M.A.

Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy: An Atlas of Spectral Information (Physical Sciences Data)

By Floyd, M.A., Winge, R.K., Fassel, V.A., Peterson, V.J.

Air War Over Spain

By Salas Larrazabal Jesus, Kelley, M.A.

Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia

By Polly Taylor, Kathy W. Clarke, M.A., VetMB, D.V.A., M.R.C.V.S.

Medal of Honor: Profiles of America's Military Heroes from the Civil War to the Present

By Allen Mikaelian, M.A., Mike Wallace

Quick and Lively Classroom Activities: Meaningful Ways to Keep Kids Engaged During Transition Time, Downtime, or Anytime

By Linda Nason McElherne, M.A.

English Novel

By Prof. Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D.

Who's Who in Victorian Britain

By Roger Ellis, M.A., Ph.D.

"Jude the Obscure"

By Prof. Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D.

School Organisation

By S. E. Bray, M.A.

Intelligence and Intelligence Tests

By Rex Knight, M.A.

The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain

By Brock L. Eide, M.A., Fernette F. Eide

Introduction to Digital and Data Communications

By Miller, M.A.

the Acts of the Apostles

By F.F. Bruce, M.A.

prayers from the poets

By Cecil Headlam, M.A., Laurie Magnus

notes on british history

By William Edwards, M.A.

the Cambridge ancient history volume IX

By S.A Cook, Litt. D., F.B.A, F.E. Adcock, M.A., M.P. Charlesworth

Modern French for Adults

By Kenneth G Brooks, M.A., H.F. Cook

the Cambridge ancient history volume III

By S.A Cook, Litt. D., F.B.A, F.E. Adcock, M.A., J.B. Bury, F.B.A.

the Cambridge ancient history volume IV

By S.A Cook, Litt. D., F.B.A, F.E. Adcock, M.A., J.B. Bury, F.B.A.

the Cambridge ancient history volume VII

By S.A. Cook, Litt.D., F.B.A, F.E. Adcock, M.A., M.P. Charlesworth

the Cambridge ancient history: plates IV

By S.A Cook, Litt. D., F.B.A, F.E. Adcock, M.A., M.P. Charlesworth