books by author

Italian (SURV)

Miller's Collectables Price Guide 2002/2003 (Millers)

Miller's Collectables Price Guide 2000/2001: 12 (Miller's Collectables Price Guide)

Roses and Butterflies Iron-on Transfer Patterns

Achieve Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation SATs Question Workbook The Expected Standard Year 6 (Achieve Key Stage 2 SATs Revision)

A Swiftly Tilting Planet: 4 (Wrinkle in Time Quintet)

Costume : de 1914 aux annees folles (Le): De 1914 aux années folles


Deprivation and Delinquency: D.W. Winnicott

From Expert Student to Novice Professional: 5 (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 5)


The Etiquette of Dress - Hints from Victorian and Edwardian writers

Simply Smoked: Little Book of Tempting Recipes for Smoked Fish, Meat and Vegetables

Born Contemplative: Introducing Children to Christian Meditation

Common Culture: Reading and Writing About American Popular Culture

Schooling and the National Interest (v.1) (Education and the State)

Gender Under Scrutiny: New Inquiries in Education

I Tell You a Mystery: Life, Death and Eternity

A Wrinkle in Time

Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death

Psycho-Analytic Explorations

La Femme de Gilles

Race and Gender (Open University set book)

Sous le pont Mirabeau

The Essence of the Thing

The Inland Sea

Understanding Developmental Dyspraxia: A Textbook for Students and Professionals

An Acceptable Time: 5 (Wrinkle in Time Quintet)

Many Waters: 3 (Wrinkle in Time Quintet)