books by author

The Cake (Tiddlywinks S.)

The Seven Chinese Brothers (Blue Ribbon Book)

The Pirate Uncle (Young Puffin Books)

The Yuckadoos (Tiddlywinks S.)

Magician's Lunch (Tiddlywinks S.)

Bubble Trouble

Morning Dance (Tiddlywinks S.)

Memory (Collins Flamingo)

The Queen's Goat (Picture Puffin S.)

Boom Baby Boom Boom

Sunshine Books + – Baby's Breakfast: Level 20/Purple/Band 8

Sunshine Books + – The Terrible Topsy Turvy Tissy Tossy Tangle: Level 25/Lime/Band 11

Sunshine Books + – The Haunting of Miss Cardamon: Level 30/Sapphire/Band 13

Aliens in the Family (Point - original fiction)

Squeak in the Gate (Tiddlywinks S.)

The Catten (Tiddlywinks S.)

Train That Ran Away (Tiddlywinks S.)

The Man Whose Mother Was a Pirate (Early Reader)

Portable Ghosts

The Blood and Thunder Adventure on Hurricane Peak

Le Grand charivari

The Tin Can Band And Other Poems (Picture Puffin S.)

Same Difference (Contents S.)

The Little Witch And 5 Other Favourites: A Lion in the Meadow; Sailor Jack And the 20 Orphans; the Little Witch; the Man Whose Mother Was a Pirate; ... Shadows; Mrs Discombobulous (Puffin Books)

Tingleberries, Tuckertubs And Telephones: A Tale of Love And Ice-Cream

A Very Wicked Headmistress

Lavender the Library Cat (Tiddlywinks S.)

How Mr. Rooster Didn't Get Married (Tiddlywinks S.)

Leaf Magic And Five Other Favourites: Leaf Magic; Stepmother; Ultra-Violet Catastrophe!; the Rare Spotted Birthday Party; Rooms to Let; Simon's Witch Doctor (Puffin stories)