books by author
Make Believe Ideas

My Awesome Alphabet Book

Never Feed a Yeti Spaghetti

Don't You Dare Brush My Hair! Story Book

Baa Quack Moo Board Book

Moo (Feel and Fit)

My Pet Dragon (board book with finger puppet)

Petite Boutique Baby Record Book

Don't Be Rude, Little Dude!

Christmas Fun (Christmas Sticker Books)

Winter Wishes (Christmas Sticker Books) (Christmas Picture Books)

Me and You Peek a Boo! (Learning Range)

Lift, Pull, Slide and Find ABC
First Words

Scratch and Sparkle - Dinosaurs Activity Book

Katie the Candy Kane Fairy Sticker Dolly Dress Up

My Ultimate Shark Sticker File (Ultimate Sticker File)

The Very Hungry Worry Monsters

Dot Art (Art Books)

Alphabet Sticker Activity Book (Sticker Activity Books)

Touch and Explore 5 Big and Busy Trucks

Touch & Sparkle Wild Animals
My Farmer Llama Activity Book

Pink Puppies Sticker Book

Touch & Feel Nursery Rhymes Row Row Row (Touch and Feel)

The Best Book in the World Because I Made It

Talk to the Door

Baby Animals: Touch and Feel (Learning Range)
First Maths

If the Tiara Fits (Big Mouth)