books by author

The Happy Book

Discoveries in Prayer

Tales from Old Ireland

Bug Club Guided Fiction Year 1 Green B Silly Jack and the Dancing Mice

The Children of Nuala

Rigby Star Independent Gold Reader 4 Sydney the Kangaroo

Finn MacCool and the Giant's Causeway (Hopscotch Adventures)

Charlie Is My Darling

Jody's Beans (Read and Discover)

Danny the Duck with No Quack (Storytime)

Long Grey Norris (Yellow Banana S.)

Spooky Soccer: Red Banana (Banana Books)

The Great Hunger: A Tale of Famine in Ireland: 9 (Sparks)

The Football Ghosts (Reading Ladder Level 3)

Jack the Giant Killer (Must Know Stories: Level 2)

The Dancing Tiger

Storytime: Digger & Lew

Who Did It?

Jody's Beans (Read and Wonder)

Little Chick and the Secret of Sleep (Storytime)

Singing My Him Song

Too Noisy!

Brer Rabbit and the Well (Leapfrog World Tales)

Little People, Big People

Albert & Sarah Jane (Storytime)

Farewell to Ireland: A Tale of Emigration to America: 10 (Sparks)

Hen's Cake

T221a Mf Bc Silly Jack & the Dancing Mic

A Monk Swimming - A Memoir