books by author

Services for People with Learning Disabilities

Professionalism, Boundaries and the Workplace

The Greenwich Guide to Stars, Galaxies and Nebulae

Heaven & Earth: Unseen by the naked eye (Photography)

Everyone's Guide to Cancer Therapy; 4th Edition: How Cancer Is Diagnosed, Treated, and Managed Day to Day

Quicksand: Now a Major Netflix series

AS/A-Level Student Text Guide: The Winter's Tale (Student Text Guides S.)

Spaceworks: How, Where and Why of Artificial Satellites

Nature Loves to Hide: Quantum Physics and the Nature of Reality, a Western Perspective

David Malin; Ancient Light, A Portrait of the Universe

Philip Allan Literature Guide (for A-Level): The Winter's Tale

Philip Allan Literature Guide (for A-Level): The Duchess of Malfi

AS/A-Level Student Text Guide: The Duchess of Malfi

Key Concepts And Debates In Health And Social Policy