books by author

Millennium Prophecies: Predictions for the Year 2000

Sacred Architecture (Sacred Arts S.)

Millennium Prophecies: Predictions for the Year 2000

Collected Stories (Everyman's Library)

Joseph and His Brothers (Everyman's Library Contemporar)

TheMagic Mountain

Coronary Heart Disease: The Dietary Sense and Nonsense

Reincarnation (The Elements of…)

Acupuncture: How it works and how it is used today

Who Else Writes Like?: A Readers' Guide to Fiction Authors (Adult Readers Guides)

11+ Non-verbal Reasoning Year 5-7 Testbook 1: Standard GL Assessment Style 10 Minute Tests

Hoover Dam (Wonders of the World Book): The Story of Hard Times, Tough People and the Taming of a Wild River (Wonders of the World (Mikaya Paperback))

Tonio Kröger / Mario und der Zauberer

This is Israel Pictorial Guide and Souvenir

The Junior Doctor's Guide to Gastroenterology (Junior Doctor's Guides)

Media Watch

Consciousness and Action among the Western Working Class (Study in Sociology S.)

Macmillan Student Encyclopedia of Sociology

Death in Venice and Other Stories

Petrarch (Past Masters Series)

Skills for FC Writing TB (Skills for First Certificate S)

Skills for FC List & Speak TB

Skills for FC Reading TB (Skills for First Certificate S)

Information Technology KS2 (Curriculum Bank)

Decision Making

First Fruits: An All-age Worship Anthology on Generosity and Giving

Deuteronomy (Westminster Bible Companion)

11+ Verbal Activity Year 5-7 Workbook 1: Including Multiple Choice Test Technique

Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man (Modern Classics)