books by author

What's Up (Wonderwise Readers): 40

Splish, Splash, Splosh (Wonderwise)

The Danger Tree

Ragamuffin Gospel: Embracing the Unconditional Love of God

Readings in Sociology

Nature Adventures

1, 000 Military Aircraft in Colour

Scarecrow, Doctor of Fear (Batman)


Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: Killing or Caring?

History of Australia

Pharaoh's Egypt (Fly on the Wall)

The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (Oxford World's Classics)


The Rain Forest

Wild and Free: A book about animals in danger (Wonderwise)

Physical Diagnosis

Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate Teacher's Book: An Integrated Skills Course for EAP (Cambridge Academic English Course)

You Don't Have to Say You Love Me

Think of a Beaver (Read and Discover)

Chasing Grace: Reflections of a Catholic Girl, Grown Up

Science School (School series)

Professors, Physicians and Practices in the History of Medicine: Essays in Honor of Nancy Siraisi: 50 (Archimedes, 50)

Letters from an American Farmer (Oxford World's Classics)

Wheels Keep Turning (Wonderwise)

My Body, Your Body: A book about human and animal bodies (Wonderwise)

Alexander the Great (Heroes from the East S.)

The Flash Races the Rogues (DC Super Heroes: DC Super Hero Stories)

Yum Yum: A book about food chains (Wonderwise)