books by author

Revolutionaries on Revolution: Participants' Perspectives

A/AS Level English Language for AQA Student Book (A Level (AS) English Language AQA)

A/AS Level English Language for AQA Student Book (A Level (AS) English Language AQA)

A/AS Level English Literature B for AQA Student Book (A Level (AS) English Literature AQA)

Paris (Bison Book)

The Incomplete Currency: The Future of the Euro and Solutions for the Eurozone (Wiley Finance)

Pagano.M. Principles of Biostatistics

La vita segreta del bambino. Gli ultimi appunti di un grande pediatra

Water Quality Modelling for Rivers and Streams: 70 (Water Science and Technology Library, 70)

Ethics and Politics of the Built Environment: Gardens of the Anthropocene: 25 (The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, 25)