books by author

In the Treetops (Finding Out About S.)

The Horsemaster

Short History Guyanese People Pr

Container Gardening for the Caribbean and the Tropics

How to Start a Bible Study Group (Small Group Bible Studies)

Approaches to Psychology

Our Father

Pursuing Amy (Replica)

Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School Series)

Spain (People & places)

Liberating The Learner: Lessons for Professional Development in Education (Foundations of the Market Economy)

More Cat Tales From Moon Cottage

Very Wonderful, Very Rare - Saving the most endangered wildlife on Earth (One Shot)

Livewire Shakespeare Henry V

Little Fox (North-south Paperback)

The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy (Mammoth Books)

Girls of Riyadh

Jane Austen And The War Of Ideas

The Tiller of Waters (Modern Arabic Writing)

Tackling Biology Projects (Tackling projects series)

Thanksgiving (A World of Festivals S.)

Single Parent Families (Facts About S.)

Cassie (Teen tracks)

Shakespeare's Division of Experience (Abacus Books)

Phoebe (Lions Teen Tracks S.)

Come to the United States of America


Aircraft (Superbooks)

Brain Power: The 12-week Mental Training Programme