books by author
Mark R.

Philosophy of STEM Education: A Critical Investigation (The Cultural and Social Foundations of Education)

Making Sense of the New NHS White Paper

Labour Legislation and Public Policy: A Contemporary History (Clarendon Law S.)

Labour and the Law (Hamlyn Lecture Series)

Fundamentals of Orthopaedics

Research and Development for the NHS

Labour Law: Text and Materials (Law in Context S.)

The Portable MBA (The Portable MBA Series)

Exploring Space: A Guide to Exploration of the Universe (Golden Guide)

Home Video and the Changing Nature of the Television Audience (I.B.A.Television Research Monograph)

Drugs in Cancer Care

Biological Psychology: Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (Second Edition)

Biological Psychology

Biological Psychology

Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience

International Ethics: Concepts, Theories, and Cases in Global Politics

Review of Orthopedic Trauma

Neurology: An Illustrated Colour Text, 3e