books by author

Encyclopedia of Prayer and Praise

Office Humour: Funny business for the office noticeboard

Classic Starts (R): The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Retold from the Mark Twain Original

The Food Lover's Handbook

Reconstructing the Past

The Longman Companion to the European Reformation, c.1500-1618 (Longman Companions To History)

Mark Forsyth's Gemel Edition: A box set containing The Etymologicon and The Horologicon

Forging Peace: International Intervention, Media and Conflict (International Communications): Intervention, Human Rights and the Management of Media Space

Forging War: The Media in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Forging War: Media in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina

International Children's Bible Gospel of John: The Version Children Can Read and Understand

Signs and Symbols: What They Mean and How We Use Them - A Fascinating Visual Examination of How Signs and Symbols Developed as a Means of ... ... Psychology, Literature and Everyday Life

Wonders Of The World: 19 (Fast Forward)

The Living Roman Fort (Pinpoints)

The Rough Guide to Tuscany & Umbria (Rough Guides)

The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million

The High Window: Raymond Chandler (Phillip Marlowe)

Start Reading: Tilly and Todd: Hiccup!

Twenty Elves at Bedtime

The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Keepsake Stories) (Brighter Child Keepsake Stories)

Little Tiger's Big Holiday

Hard Questions About Christianity Made Easy (Bible Made Easy S.)

Auditory Memory Skills

An Ancient Greek Temple (Pinpoints)

Margarine and Marbles (Red Go Bananas S.)

Little Red: 2 (Once Upon Another Time)

Roger Scruton: The Philosopher on Dover Beach

The Gringo Trail
The Sleepy Dormouse