books by author

The Alphonse Courrier Affair

My New Home

My New Home

The Adventures of Alfie Onion

Lonely Planet Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary

Meathooked: The History and Science of Our 2.5-Million-Year Obsession with Meat

Veus/Curs de Catala: Llibre de l'alumne 2 + CD (A2+)

Ready Steady Mo!

Little Monkey

Mummy Fairy and Me: Unicorn Wishes (Mummy Fairy, 3)

Just Enough Spanish (Hugo's Just Enough)

Psychological Selection and Optimal Experience Across Cultures: Social Empowerment through Personal Growth: 2 (Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology, 2)

The Mighty Dynamo

Mapping Your Community (First Guides to Maps) (First Guide to Maps)

Mummy Fairy and Me: Fairy-in-Waiting (Mummy Fairy, 2)

No! (Child's Play Library)

Italian Constitutional Justice in Global Context

Fairy Mom and Me

A Christmas Tale from Cardinham Woods

I Am a Big Dinosaur (I Am a ...)

Wipe-clean Times Tables 6-7 (Key Skills)

Seaside Sprint!: Book 3 (Go Mo Go)

Little Monkey


Esl Reading and Spelling: Games, Puzzles, and Inventive Exercises

Dinosaur Dash!: Book 2 (Go Mo Go)

Mummy Fairy and Me

Mummy Fairy and Me: Mermaid Magic

Reading Maps (First Guide to Maps)