books by author
Mary Pope

Knights and Castles: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #2: The Knight at Dawn (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker)

Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #31: China: Land of the Emperor's Great Wall: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #14: Day of the Dragon King ... Book(tm)) (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker)

Osborne&Disalvo-Ryan : Mo to the Rescue (Hbk) (Easy-to-read Books)

Buffalo Before Breakfast, Magaic Tree House #18

Sunset of the Sabertooth: 7 (Magic Tree House (R))

La Cabane Magique: Cabane Magique 43/Un refuge pour les pandas

World War II: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House Super Edition #1: World at War, 1944 (Magic Tree House Fact Tracker): 36 (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker)

Magic Tree House 8: Moon Mission!

Magic Tree House #13: Moonlight on the Magic Flute (A Stepping Stone Book(TM)) (Magic Tree House (R) Merlin Mission)

Dolphins at Daybreak: No. 9 (Magic Tree House S.)

Afternoon on the Amazon: No. 6 (Magic Tree House S.)

Mummies and Pyramids: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #3: Mummies in the Morning (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker)

Tonight on the Titanic
Magic Tree House 7: Mammoth to the Rescue

Carnival at Candlelight (Magic Tree House): 5 (Magic Tree House (R) Merlin Mission)

Ancient Rome and Pompeii: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13: Vacation Under the Volcano: 14 (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker)

Tenggren's Golden Tales from the Arabian Nights: The Most Famous Stories from the Great Classic, a Thousand and One Nights


La Cabane Magique: Les chevaux de la ville fantome: Les chevaux de la ville fantôme (La cabane magique, 13)

La Cabane Magique: Le tresor des pirates

La Cabane Magique: Le mysterieux chevalier: Le mystérieux chevalier (La cabane magique, 2)

La cabane magique 1 La vallee des dinosaures: La vallée des dinosaures

Magic Tree House 16: Olympic Challenge!

Magic Tree House 15: Voyage of the Vikings

Magic Tree House 13: Racing With Gladiators

Magic Tree House 9: Diving with Dolphins

Magic Tree House 11: Lions on the Loose

Magic Tree House 10: A Wild West Ride

Magic Tree House 8: Moon Mission!