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Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education II: 938 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 938)

By Hu, Zhengbing, Petoukhov, Sergey, Dychka, Ivan, He, Matthew

Feelings of Being: Phenomenology, Psychiatry and the Sense of Reality (International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry) (International Perspectives in Philosophy & Psychiatry)

By Ratcliffe, Matthew

Clay Microstructure (Geological Sciences Series)

By Bennett, Richard, Hulbert, Matthew

Internet Texas Holdem: Winning Strategies from an Internet Pro

By Hilger, Matthew

The Infernal Machine: An Alternative History of Terrorism

By Carr, Matthew


By Scully, Matthew

The Effortless Experience: Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty

By Dixon, Matthew, Toman, Nicholas, DeLisi, Rick

Orthodox Prayer Life

By Matthew, the Poor

The Impact of Technology in Music

By Anniss, Matthew

Beginning E-Commerce: with Visual Basic, ASP, SQL Server 7.0 and MTS

By Reynolds, Matthew

Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 (

By Macdonald, Matthew

The Case for Working with Your Hands: Or Why Office Work is Bad for Us and Fixing Things Feels Good

By Crawford, Matthew

The Wine Book: Tells You Everything You Need to Know About the Wine You're Drinking

By Jukes, Matthew

Rugby Trip Stories

By Jandrell, David, Tucker, Matthew

The Essential Cardiff Castle

By Williams, Matthew

Teacher's Book (Level 1) (Geog.123)

By Gallagher, Rosemarie, Wright, Hazel, Parish, Richard, Williamson, Janet, King, Anna, Armor, Philip, Judd, Matthew

Introductory Statistics

By Weiss, Neil A., Hassett, Matthew

Paris; Portrait of a City

By Biddulph, Fiona, Weinreb, Ben, Matthew

Little Faces It's Party Time for Penguin

By Morgan, Matthew, Ballesteros, Carles

Liquor Licensing Law and Practice

By Field, David, Pink, Matthew

Tolley's Company Secretary's Checklists

By Baker, Matthew, The Company Secretarial Unit at Addleshaw Booth & Co.

Costa Rica by Firestone, Matthew ( Author ) ON Oct-01-2010, Paperback

By Firestone, Matthew

About International Trade (Finding Out... S.)

By Watts, Michael, Glew, Matthew

Techniques & Tips for Gardeners

By Biggs, Matthew, Cushnie, John, Flowerdew, Bob, Swithinbank, Anne, Lancaster, Roy

Selected Poems and Prose (Poetry Bookshelf)

By Arnold, Matthew, Thompson, Denys


By Van Fleet, Matthew


By Glass, Matthew

Matthew Bourne and his Adventures in Motion Pictures

By Bourne, Matthew

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

By Stover, Matthew


By Branton, Matthew