books by author

Bussy d'Ambois (New Mermaid Anthology)

The Magic of the Swatchways

Inside the Primary Classroom (Oracle S.)


The Priests of Ferris

Noisy Nature: In the Jungle

Mr Rabbit And the Lovely Present (Puffin Picture Books)

East End, West End: the Face of Leeds During Urbanisation, 1684-1842 (The Publications of the Thoresby Society)

Quick Smart English B2-C1 (Advanced) Student Book & Workbook& DVD

Soviet Economic Development Since 1917

Les Rois maudits 1: Le Roi de fer (Le Livre de Poche): 2886

Les Rois maudits 5: La Louve de France (Ldp Litterature)

Teaching in a Multicultural Society: Task for Teacher Education

The Lily and the Lion: Book 6 (The Accursed Kings)

Teaching Five to Eight Year Olds: Theory and Practice in Education

Head Injuries in the Newborn and Infant (Principles of Pediatric Neurosurgery)

Ware's Past in Pictures

The Hedgehog (Eye View Library S.)

What Do You Do, Dear?

World of Trees (The world of nature)

Rugby League (The Skills of the Game)

Elizabethan Sonnets (Everyman's Library)

Jean-Jacques: The Early Life and Work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1754

Le Bon Usage: Grammaire Francaise, avec des remarques sur la langue Francaise d'aujourd'hui (13th Ed.)

Ozzy Owl (Touch & Feel Board Books)

The Life and Times of William I (Kings & Queens of England S.)

The Tudor Image

Dictionnaire du français vivant

Schools and Curriculum Change